Financing your education is one of the most critical components you need to consider as you start your educational journey here at 十大菠菜网排行. It is important for you to know the cost of your education and understand your financial responsibilities. GCU努力保持学费的竞争力,以便私立学校, 所有学生都可以接受基督教教育.
GCU offers you three convenient learning options: a traditional campus environment, 夜校和在线十大菠菜网排行. GCU also offers a variety of 奖学金 options for all students to reduce the cost of furthering your education if certain criteria are met. In addition, we offer members of the military reduced tuition amounts for online programs.
十大菠菜网排行's annual tuition rate is $16,500 for in-state and out-of-state students.1 在学校奖学金的帮助下, 在校学生平均只支付了9美元,每年学费200美元, 将许多学生的学费降低了近一半.2 GCU has not increased campus tuition since 2009 as part of our commitment to providing affordable education.1
上大学的费用可能超出学费, encompassing various direct payments to the institution and additional indirect expenses. GCU提供全面的出勤费, aggregating estimated expenses students may encounter during an academic year (fall/spring) for each program of study. 探索我们的 出勤费用 详细见解页面.
Read through our list below of frequently asked questions about GCU’s tuition and financing to find the answers you need.
GCU is pleased to offer several tools to help you estimate the 出勤费用. 的 净价计算器 is a standard template required by the Department of 教育 that does not provide specific program information, 奖学金, discount or other funding options that may decrease your total out-of-pocket costs.
To estimate the cost to attend GCU as an online or evening student, 请使用我们的 十大菠菜网排行计算器.
If you are interested in attending GCU as a traditional campus student and would like to know more about institutional 奖学金 你可能有资格, 请使用我们的 校园奖学金估算员.
Speak with a university counselor for guidance on enrollment and tuition fees as well as the 出勤费用 这是在授予联邦援助时使用的. 奖学金和助学金可以降低总体成本. GCU also provides cost estimator tools, located above, to help gauge potential expenses. 如需其他帮助,请致电 855 - gcu部件-洛佩.
作为一名学生,您可以使用学生门户网站在线付款. 为了帮助导航在线支付过程,请查看我们的分步指南.
每年, the IRS requires educational institutions to complete Form 1098-T for any students that have made payments for qualified tuition and related expenses and/or have 奖学金 and grants posted to their student account. 的 information contained on form 1098-T is delivered to both the student and the IRS no later than Jan. 31,为上一年度的活动. 的 information contained on the 1098-T can be used when completing your tax return.
GCU无法提供税务建议. If you have any questions, you should seek the counsel of an informed tax preparer or adviser.
每年春天, colleges around the country send prospective students a financial estimate to show them what it will cost to attend their institution. 虽然内容可能看起来势不可挡, 我们将与您合作,以便您能够充分了解您的财务估算.
消费者信息可以帮助您随时了解GCU. Learn more about institutional information at GCU including safety and security reports, 版权政策和第九条信息.
感到不知所措或不知道从哪里开始? 别担心,我们是来帮你的.
如果你是一个高中生, dual enrollment courses allow you the opportunity to earn college credits while still in high school.
- 双招生课程为四学分
- 每道菜210美元(52美元).每学分50元)
- 每门课程的数字教材费用为105美元
- 可能需要支付额外的教科书费用
- 学生在高中就读期间没有资格获得联邦学生援助
1 2022-23学年
2 扣除奖学金后的平均学费约为9200美元. 奖学金 may be awarded based on sixth semester transcripts (high school transcripts submitted after Junior year of high school). 当收到最终正式成绩单时, GCU reserves the right to rescind or modify the 奖学金 if it is determined that eligibility was not achieved. GCU保留以任何理由更改或拒绝奖学金的权利. If a student does not meet the minimum renewal criteria, their 奖学金 will be forfeited. 价格基于2022-2023年的费率,可能会有变化.
3 不能与其他GCU奖学金或奖项同时使用.
4 NRS前缀课程和HLT-362V课程按课程收费
U的出现.S Department of Defense (DOD) or 军事-themed visual information does not imply or constitute DOD endorsement.