住房 and 餐成本

Prepare for Your Journey at GCU

As you prepare for your collegiate career with GCU, 提前确定住宿费和伙食费可以帮助你做出相应的预算. 了解更多关于住房和膳食计划的选择,以及各自的费率,如下.

Student cooking in dorm while other students sit at table

住宿和食物(膳食计划)包含在您的课程费用中. Living on campus means direct payments to the university; commuting doesn't involve university payments for housing and food, but meal plans are optional. GCU provides a detailed Cost of Attendance for each program. 访问我们的 cost of attendance 页面 for more information. 

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Residence and 公寓 Rates

GCU提供宿舍和公寓的选择,以帮助满足您的生活方式需求. 使用下面列出的房价来计算你的潜在成本.

住宿费包含在你的课程费用中. For further information, please visit our cost of attendance 页面.1

Residence Hall Rates

Triple Occupancy - 金合欢、驼背、Chaparral、铁木、杜松、Ocotillo、Prescott、Saguaro、Sedona、Willow $2,100 per semester

Double Occupancy - Canyon, Cypress

$2,650 per semester
Double Occupancy - 金合欢、驼背、Chaparral、铁木、杜松、Ocotillo、Prescott、Saguaro、Sedona、Willow $3,000 per semester

公寓 Rates

Single Occupancy ——龙舌兰, 阿瓜Fria, 羚羊, 仙人掌, 铜, 菱形斑纹, Encanto, 杰罗姆, 橡树溪, 加州佛, 巴巴哥人, 杰克, 走鹃, 盐河, 圣克鲁斯, 索诺拉, 绿松石, 佛得角河 $4,000 per semester
Single Occupancy - 北缘 $3,500 per semester
Double Occupancy - 北缘 $3,250 per semester
Studio Single Occupancy - 巴巴哥人 $3,500 per semester

Summer 2023 住房 Rates

Triple Occupancy $990 per semester
Double Occupancy $1,300 per semester
公寓 $1,650 per semester

Residence Hall Rates

Triple Occupancy - 金合欢、驼背、Chaparral、铁木、杜松、Ocotillo、Prescott、Saguaro、Sedona、Willow $2,100 per semester

Double Occupancy - Canyon, Cypress

$2,750 per semester
Double Occupancy - 金合欢、驼背、Chaparral、铁木、杜松、Ocotillo、Prescott、Saguaro、Sedona、Willow $3,150 per semester

公寓 Rates

Single Occupancy ——龙舌兰, 阿瓜Fria, 羚羊, 仙人掌, 铜, 菱形斑纹, Encanto, 杰罗姆, 橡树溪, 加州佛, 巴巴哥人, 杰克, 走鹃, 盐河, 圣克鲁斯, 索诺拉, 绿松石, 佛得角河 $4,150 per semester
Single Occupancy - 北缘 $3,800 per semester
Double Occupancy - 北缘 $3,300 per semester
Studio Single Occupancy - 巴巴哥人 $3,600 per semester

Summer 2024 住房 Rates

公寓 $2,000 per semester


All housing charges are billed to the student's account.


All rates include rent, water, electricity and internet. Rates above DO NOT include tax.



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From Wherever You Are

Through GCU's virtual tour, you will see 360-degree views, 有关我们的住房选择和便利设施的照片和信息.

Virtual 住房 Tours
Aerial view of GCU housing

膳食计划 Rates

GCU提供多种膳食计划,以帮助满足学生不同的预算和生活方式需求. 下面列出的膳食计划费率可以帮助你计算和准备成本.

Meal plans are part of the cost of attendance in your program. To find out more details, visit our cost of attendance 页面.1

Meal plans for 2023-24 are Dining Dollars only; all housed students are required to choose a meal plan.

峡谷250 Commuter students only $250 per semester
峡谷825 Minimum requirement for returning students in apartments $825 per semester
峡谷1100 Minimum requirement for new, incoming students in apartments $1,100 per semester
峡谷1450 Minimum requirement for students in residence halls $1,450 per semester
峡谷1950   $1,900 per semester
峡谷2250   $2,150 per semester
峡谷2850   $2,700 per semester

Meal plans for 2024-25 are Dining Dollars only; all housed students are required to choose a meal plan.

峡谷250 Commuter students only $250 per semester
峡谷950 Minimum requirement for returning students in apartments $950 per semester
峡谷1300 Minimum requirement for new, incoming students in apartments $1,300 per semester
峡谷1700 Minimum requirement for students in residence halls $1,700 per semester
峡谷2100   $2,050 per semester
峡谷2450   $2,350 per semester
峡谷3150   $3,000 per semester

Fees subject to change.



Female GCU employee holding plate of food

住房 and 餐成本 FAQs

Find answers to commonly-asked questions regarding housing, 住宿和膳食计划价格,以帮助您在GCU期间做出最适合您的预算和生活方式的选择.

在决定注册哪个宿舍或公寓时, consider how many occupants—or roommates—you would prefer. “居住者”指的是住在给定空间里的学生. 在单人间(公寓),学生不共用一间卧室. Most apartments have four bedrooms per suite. 宿舍楼设有双人或三人卧室. 在双人间,学生将与一名直接室友共用一间卧室. 在三人入住的房间里,一个学生将与两个直接室友共用一间卧室. Most residence hall suites have two bedrooms per suite.

If you are an out-of-state student, 你需要提供在亚利桑那州居住一年的证明才能被归类为亚利桑那州居民. 当然也有例外,比如学生的父母是亚利桑那州居民.3

列一张你想要的宿舍特征清单是很有帮助的, such as air conditioning, 壁橱空间, specific furniture items or a loft bed. 决定你想要的布局或套房风格也很重要. 也要考虑到宿舍社区的社交方面. 然后,你可以使用这个列表来缩小校园宿舍的选择范围.

根据你选择的公寓平面图,你的公寓可能会有不同的设施. Floor plans may include any of the following: a full kitchen, 客厅, 休息室, laundry facility on every floor, open community lobby, outdoor courtyard, 桌子上, extra-long twin bed and mattress.

GCU提供灵活的选择,以选择您的膳食计划,以适应不同类型的学生和他们的饮食偏好. 所有的餐饮计划都为学生提供一定数量的餐饮美元,用于在校园内的餐饮地点消费. 通勤学生也可以报名参加膳食计划,以满足他们的需要.

用餐美元附带GCU用餐计划,可在任何用餐地点使用. 这些钱不会过期,可以在你在GCU的整个时间里使用,直到你毕业.

大学膳食计划可以为你提供各种各样的食物选择,这些食物可能是新的,超出了你的日常饮食习惯. 制定一份吃饭和零食的时间表,并在大学里寻找健康的饮食选择,这一点很重要. 熟悉你的餐饮选择和他们提供的东西. Look for a variety of fruits and vegetables, 精益蛋白质, 全谷物, healthy fats and low-fat dairy options.

GCU在校园内提供各种各样的咖啡馆和餐厅用餐选择, 从沙拉、大饼到披萨、玉米饼和墨西哥风味美食. 要查看校内食物选择的完整列表,请访问我们的校园用餐页面.

上大学的费用可能超出学费,还可能包括各种额外费用, 例如直接支付给机构的费用和其他间接费用. GCU can provide the cost of attendance, 学生在每个学习项目的一学年(秋季/春季)可能会遇到的估计费用总额是多少. 参考我们的 cost of attendance 页面 for further details and clarification.

利基市场.com. (2024). 2024 Best College Dorms in America. Retrieved April 18, 2024.

Arizona Legislature. (n.d.). 15-1802. In-state student status. 检索到8月. 18, 2023.